

“Your are not just your current age, but all the ages you have ever been.”

-Susan Cavka

Welcome, I am so glad you are here! 

We truly do not understand The Big Effect of our Childhood and how it has shaped us. This is alarming because early childhood is where we formed all of our beliefs about ourselves, others, life, relationships, basically everything. We inherit many of our beliefs from our parents, who got it from their parents and so on. Each generation unknowingly passes down the pain, loss and outdated ways of operating to the next. Never are we taught about connection and inner self awareness or about putting ourselves first. First not in a selfish way, but in a way of making sure that we are showing up for ourselves before we show up for others. To me, true success is achieved when you truly know yourself and your purpose. 

The symptoms of disconnection and Unresolved Childhood Beliefs are evident all over the world. Just Look at the state of our mental health and how we rely on pills that are basically a numbing agent, preventing us from feeling and ultimately healing; at how we endlessly search for answers outside, willing to try any snake oil method for relief while the whole time the answer is within; at the ever growing list of self-created autoimmune diseases that science will never cure because they are actually caused by our beliefs and emotions; at the amount of oppression and wars, waged by leaders consumed with fear and the need to control; at the state of our natural world and how we choose profits over our planets’ well being, over our own health and well being; at how we promote a system that allows some to acquire endless wealth while others are left destitute; at how we’d rather highlight our differences and create separation instead of coming together for the common good. This is all a result of a deep disconnect from ourselves and our global community.

Feelings are rooted in our subconscious beliefs. The first step is to discover your beliefs. It’s not enough to just accept a feeling, but instead you must ask yourself, why do I feel this way? The truth lies within, but the way most of us are trying to access this inner place is done incorrectly; not going deep enough or for long enough. That is why I take my clients on a magical and beautiful journey through the truth of their childhood. Hypnosis is a relaxation of the nervous system. While in that state your beliefs spring forward in a way so undeniable that you will feel, see and know the truth of your many selves and gain new and powerful insight and knowledge. 

I teach my clients how to truly connect within and to know thyself. Once you understand that nothing is happening to you, but instead is happening for you, then you will see that there is a meaning; a gift of learning; an opportunity to grow out of this cycle; another moment, another chance to get it RIGHT! There are big lessons even in what you may call the worst of events, because Everything Is Happening For A Reason! We are here to learn from each other through our mass and individual experiences. 

My sessions are very effective and truly unique. We travel back to the origin of your childhood feelings to make peace with them by knowing the truth and purpose for them; to graduate out of childhood and live utterly free. We go very deep. My clients are in my office for seven to eight hours and under hypnosis for about four of those hours. Traditional hypnosis addresses a single issue at a time, but we are not just one or two issues away from our best all knowing self. I address all your concerns/issues but more importantly I help you achieve a much deeper level of self understanding and truth, which results in an all-encompassing, enlightening and profound healing experience. This is followed by eight weeks of guidance while you listen to your personalized audio recording. The end result is a beautiful marriage between the subconscious and conscious mind, working together to achieve anything you desire easily. 



Come visit me in my 1200 square foot studio in Corona Del Mar on PCH!

2515 East Coast Hwy, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625